Digital Marketing Courses & Training in the US

The term digital marketing or digital marketing has been from the past two decades as a subset of marketing management as well as advertising management.

But due to the development of information technology in recent years, the increase in the average online user’s time, the widespread use of mobile phones and the increase of the penetration rate of the Internet in the world, today is considered as an independent knowledge and expertise.

Definition of Digital Marketing

The HubSpot site, which is considered to be a prestigious site in the field of digital marketing and content strategy, points out in the definition of digital marketing that it is a conceptual umbrella.

In other words, instead of providing a straightforward definition of it, it’s best to know all the techniques and tools that are under the heading of digital marketing.


Although there is no single definition of digital marketing, it seems that the following definition can be a good common interface to commonly used digital marketing considerations:

Digital marketing includes a set of all tools and activities that are used to market digital- based products and services (Web, Internet, Mobile, or other digital gadgets).

Digital marketing or digital marketing tools

The following are examples of digital marketing tools:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) [Includes Organic Traffic and Purchased]
  • Optimization for search engines (SEO)
  • Content marketing (content marketing)
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content strategy
  • Click-through advertising (PPC)
  • Targeted email marketing
  • Banner Advertising
  • Mobile marketing or mobile marketing (or its old term: mobile advertising)
  • Marketing through Affiliate Marketing
  • Content Generation
  • Targeted web traffic

  Digital Viral Marketing (Digital Viral Marketing)

Sometimes the Tools menu Digital Marketing, the ads targeted and customized (Targeted Advertising) as well as direct advertising (Native Advertising) is mentioned.

But given the fact that these two titles are virtually more comprehensive and not matched with other items (they can cover other options), we did not list them in the above list.

Note: At the moment, there are overlaps in the above list. But since this list is mentioned in many books and official references in the same way, we also used the common method.


A few digital marketing education books

The Digital Marketing Digital Book is not so big that your hands are open to their choice.

But in English, digital marketing education books are not low. In addition, there are many books on each digital marketing topic (e.g., mobile marketing books or content marketing books and content strategies themselves have a huge world).

So we cannot say how many books we introduce here are certainly the best digital marketing books. But at least known and valid. In addition, we have used them in digital marketing related lessons and have repeatedly referred to them. For example, you can create a funny comedy video. Comedy videos are played promptly. There are a few comedians. Others are also waiting for their turn. There are hundreds of comedians looking for a way to show their talent. You can help them by setting up an online comedy club and online laugh.  Every video can improve Alexa rank in every website.  Nobody feels like overexerting themselves in the summer heat … that includes those pesky marketing projects that nobody seems to want to take on like improving your Alexa ranking.  But, did you know that with a few clicks of a mouse, you can Buy Alexa traffic which will positively impact your score quickly?  And with the right company, it’s safe, easy and affordable. Not knowing how to engage the audience

B2B marketing in social networks does not mean attracting the interests of a industry. As we said earlier, many businesses produce products that cannot attract many audiences through social networks. For this reason, Buy Social media traffic is the one the way marketers should consider developing something beyond their own products.

Social networks of these types of businesses do not need to be directly connected with the company’s services. They can work on more attractive topics and independently market their products and services.


How popular is your brand on social networks?

We are choosing from the best social networks, upgrading strategy and increasing your popularity.

  1. Use of content marketing on social networks

Social networking campaigns will not succeed without the use of content marketing. These two issues are interconnected and necessary for success. The statistics provided by the Content Marketing Institute show that most B2B marketers also use content marketing to succeed their campaigns.

93% of B2B marketers use content marketing Statistics show that most B2B marketers use content marketing. Image from Content Marketing Institute However, statistics show that all of them do not properly use content marketing. Content satisfaction rate in B2B marketing is close to 36%

Based on our research and activity on social networks, we found that as a company is stronger in content marketing, it is also more successful in marketing social media.


Which social networking for B2B marketing?

These days, many social networks are being used by people around the world. Focusing on all social networks is by buy website traffic means and recommended in B2B marketing, as it makes you unable to focus on one issue. As a result, you will not receive good feedback from your ads.

For B2B marketing, you do not need to use all these social networks simultaneously. The following are more appropriate than others:

If you want to use only a social network, put LinkedIn in the top priority. We do not say this sentence merely for the investigation of several studies. We have attracted great customers through LinkedIn since the launch of our website to date. The social network has more than 450 million members from around the world. The greatest benefit of using LinkedIn is the ability to meet new people and communicate with them. The key to success in this social network is to provide users and groups with classy and useful information. LinkedIn also helps companies build and market their brand.

It can be said that Instagram is the most popular social network with us Iranians. Although this social network is by no means the nature of B2B, but due to tight restrictions on social networks in Iran, almost all individuals and businesses have turned to Instagram. Instagram itself, of course, has been a positive step for businesses as well by adding features like making business-centric pages (by connecting the Instagram page to Facebook).

What Are the Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies?

Despite the growing growth of the Internet, it is natural that it is a big part of your strategy in the digital domain. Other than that, it’s best to restart yourself!

Your business customers are almost always online (even if they do not use your service due to a misleading strategy). Naturally, you want to check the online consumer behavior over a specified period in line with the target and target.

But when your business grows, despite the features of the template in cyberspace, and the quick rewriting of this environment, there are cases where you are extremely surprised and in a dilemma of decision making. But what should you really do? How to develop a strategy that responds quickly to surprising factors?

We will explain in this article 7 strategies for you to help you adapt yourself to the market and make your marketing campaigns as good and as possible correct and out of shape.

But before that you should know that at all:

What is a digital marketing strategy?

A digital marketing strategy is an action coordinated and in the same direction that guides you to your goals through online marketing channels and usually in the long run. These channels are of three types  ;

  • The money media called paid media;sites and apps and … that show you a reposting or a specific purpose for a banner;
  • Acquired media called earned media:Ads, news and feedbacks you have not paid for and the audience is interested in finding your business, or the reasons and other services or products you are introducing.
  • The media that they own the media are: thesite, app, social media, and media that you own.

Perhaps the word strategy is daunting for you, but a good strategy is not necessarily difficult. Simply put, it is a purely strategic strategy for achieving a goal or goals defined over time. For example, Buy website traffic is one of my goal can to increase the site sales by 65% this year over the past year.

Depending on your business scale, your digital marketing strategy may include a multiple strategy (multiple strategy) or sub-sets (each with different goals). But a look at the simple concept of strategy definition can help you achieve your goals.

Despite the simple perception of strategy, we can now go along with an appropriate strategy. First, let’s look at how a digital marketing campaign works. Then, we will look at the 7 strategies that will help you create an effective digital reward strategy to help you succeed in your business.

What is a Digital Marketing Campaign?

It should be noted that digital strategy differs from digital marketing, but the problem is how to distinguish between these two.

As you have already mentioned, your digital strategy is a series of steps you can take to help you reach your marketing goal. Your digital marketing campaigns are building bricks or actions that will achieve your digital strategy goals. For example, you may decide to share content in the telegram to create more benefits through that channel. This campaign is part of your strategy to achieve the stated goal of digital strategy. Here are some examples of digital marketing campaigns and strategies. These examples are true that belong to outside USA but consider that many of the campaigns that run in USA are an example of successful foreign campaigns, so we should go to the root and not start the shoots.

  • GoPro
  • Delta Airlines (Delta Airlines)
  • Geico
  • Wafer Company (Wayfair)
  • Mastercard
  • ETF Securities
  • Red Bull


Digital marketing strategy: Earned media, user-created video

If you’re interested in filming and photography, you’re unlikely to hear the name of this company. GoPro is the name of an American company that develops and manufactures high quality personal cameras. What you may not know is that many of the video content that you see on YouTube and other social networks has not been made by GoPro but has been made by most loyal users.

By sharing its YouTube channel with users, Guerra encourages all fans outdoors to take amazing videos of their adventures and send them.

Look at the video below that has been copied by GoPro:

Delta Airlines (Delta Airlines)

Digital marketing strategy: owned media, twitter stories

You might think that an airline cannot be creative in digital marketing, but it’s better to talk about stories on social networks about you.

Delta Airlines is particularly appealing on Twitter, especially Twitter. Delta uses a Twitter account to engage potential customers through a variety of ways in a timely manner with stimuli. The company began sharing personal stories from its employees through its twitter account last month on a monthly basis on breast cancer awareness. The tweets below are one of their stories:

Tweets translated: On the moon’s awareness of the moon, we publish the stories of the survivors and fighters of this cancer from the Delta family. Amanda Ross, head of the consumer-oriented department, has been a 13-year-old employee of Delta and is actively involved in breast cancer.


Digital marketing strategy: paid media, YouTube ads that appear before the video (Pre-Roll Ad = pre-video preview ads; you may have seen it repeatedly in postcard) Geico is a major American insurance company. “All you need to hear is the word of Geico to keep in mind that you can save 15% or more on your car insurance.” But even a company with such a memorable slogan could be annoying for insurance buyers if its marketing campaign is too long.

That’s why Geico launched a series of very short-lived Pre-Roll Ad ads on YouTube.

Pre-Roll Ad YouTube Advertising, as mentioned above, is a form of paid media in which one time is displayed 15 to 20 s before the video (the video audience is often related). While some companies try to incorporate a lot of messages into a small place and create a busy advertisement, Geico will try to show you a message with funny videos in a short time. So, the audience that comes from Ferrari’s advert will not refuse to see it at a glance. See one of these ads:

Wafer Company (Wayfair)

Digital marketing strategy: using owned media to label and sell products on Instagram.

Wafer Company was founded in 2002 and is a retail retailer specializing in home appliances such as furniture, decoration and kitchen appliances.  Earlier this year, the company earned $ 1.574 million, with a budget of $ 358 million. Wafers (Wayfair) in 2013 had 1.2 million active customers and delivered 3.3 million orders.

This company has a truly innovative visual strategy, so to say that its photos are not just photos!

Instagram offers companies the opportunity to communicate with the Fallowers with brand-name affinities, such as showing employees and what happens next to a brand; for Instagram Wafers, there’s not just one ordinary page in which to put some pictures of its inventions; in fact, the social network for them is a The seller is active.

Wafers label and pricing beautiful images from home interior products using product tags. This digital marketing campaign tells people what the cost of each element in the image is and how it helps Instagram customers to leak. The following image is an example of creative wafers.

 Mastercard (MasterCard)

Digital Marketing Strategy: Use of Owned Media for Client Logbook

MasterCard is a financial services company based in New York. The business of the MasterCard model is such that through the processing of interbank transactions by traders, as well as by issuing credit cards for banks or credit unions that use MasterCard brand buyers or users to buy products or services, such as a debit card (a card that You have a connected bank account, but you can only pay and buy an account balance) or a credit card (a card connected to a bank account, and even if you do not have one, you can pay with it).

MasterCard depicts its brand based on its customers’ stories and adventures. But what’s better than a digital marketing traveler campaign for a brand based on stories and adventures?!

MasterCard’s travel blog helps readers to travel to cities where their resources are provided through MasterCard. This idea is very innovative and attractive because the company not only coordinates with the things that customers want to buy, but also coordinate with where the customer wants to go. Please look at their blog.

 ETF Securities

Digital Marketing Strategy: Paid Media, LinkedIn Promotional Content

ETF Securities is a small asset management service operating in Jersey, London, New York, Sydney and Melbourne, and provides its customers with services in Europe. Because the ETF Securities service is very complex, the company found that most of its customers are people specializing in LinkedIn, and with the help of paid media on this platform, they can find more investment enthusiasts and help customers make smarter financial decisions.

ETF Securities has experienced 95% annual growth with this digital marketing campaign in LinkedIn.

 Red Bull

Digital marketing strategy: owned media, lifestyle news (lifestyle)

Red Bull (Red Bull means red bull) is the brand name that produces energy drinks. There is not much anyone around the world who cannot recognize this drink, even in Iran, in many stores and supermarkets. It’s interesting to know that in 2007, more than 3 billion Red Bull cans were sold.

Red Bull is looking for sports that consumes a lot of calories. So, it’s natural that people who want a strong drink want it. Instead of producing digital content in energy drinks, the company attracts audiences with content and videos about the latest happenings in the sports community.

In this Red Bull Digital Marketing Campaign, we teach you that what you need to sell is not always your preferred strategy, but it’s the style and style of your audience that matters. This is also the Red Bull website; please check out.

Note that even if a campaign lasts for years, it does not create a strategy, it’s just a tactic that goes along with the rest of the campaigns to support a larger strategy. For example, remember the same ETF Securities that was mentioned above, a campaign used to promote sponsored content strategy (a type of paid media) to increase its floaters in LinkedIn. This strategic campaign may be a small part of a digital marketing strategy that will generate more benefits for one of its products or business lines.

Okay; now, with the principles of digital strategy and digital marketing campaigns, let’s look at how we build our strategy.

Measures to Build a Digital Marketing Strategy:

  • Getting the Buyer’s Permanent Properties
  • Identify the goals and tools needed for digital marketing
  • Evaluate your digital channels and resources
  • Review and planning for the owned media
  • Examine and Plan for Earned Media
  • Checking and planning for the Paid Media campaign.
  • Conclusion and synchronization

 Getting the Buyer’s Permanent Properties

Some of the people involved in the digital marketing market translate buyer personas into the buyer’s personality. I prefer not to use this transliteration, and I will use my interpretation in this article (the proper characteristics of the buyer)

Because the personality has internal and external behavioral aspects, and some behaviors   will not be classified in terms of our profitability (financial or interest), so we need features that interact directly or indirectly with our business. In the case of the constant word in this phrase, I must say that this is a stability of our view and is applicable to our customer-friendly features, not to the customer’s behavior that varies.

For each marketing strategy (offline or online) you need to know who you are looking for. The best digital marketing strategy is based on the buyer’s knowledge base in your business, and the first step is to get these features and their exact definition (which is specific to your business).

The customer service department shows your favorite audience that can be identified with research, surveys and interviews with your business audience. Note that this information should be based on real data and data, since building a series of assumptions about a customer-friendly customer can put your marketing strategy in the wrong direction.

Your overall research needs to include a mix of customers, prospects, and people other than your audience that is in line with your target community in order to get an overview of your client’s customer base.

But what kind of information should you collect in order to get your customer-friendly knowledgeable digital marketing strategy?
In fact, this entirely depends on your business, and it may be different depending on whether your business is B2B-based (Business-to-Business) or B2C (Business-to-Consumer) or that your product is produced at a high or low cost. will be. Here are some of the things that can be a starting point depending on your business type.

Little information (demographics)

Location: You can use web analytics tools like Google Analytics to easily identify the location of your Targeted website traffic.

Age: It may or may not be useful depending on your business. It’s better to collect this information by identifying Trend in your existing perspective and collecting your customer listings.

Earnings: It’s best to get sensitive information like personal income through face-to-face interviews. It is unlikely to conclude via the online form, although even in the interview, most people in Iran, in particular, refrain from saying such cases and try to keep their income as much as possible.

Job title: This item is most relevant to B2B companies and you can easily get your customer list.

Qualitative (psychological) information

Goals: Depending on the need for your product or service, you   may have good ideas for reaching Persson. However, you will achieve better goals by talking to customers as well as customer sales or customer service.

Challenges: Talk to customers, vendors, and services again to help them find commonplace problems for your audience. These challenges can be somewhere you do not even think about so other parts of the community will be very effective.

Hobbies and Interests: Talk with customers and people who are tailor made to your target audience. For example, if you are a brand in the field of fashion and clothing, it’s not a bad thing to know if a large section of your audience is also interested in fitness and well-being. Because it can help you build your content and choose your business partners.

Priorities: Talk to customers and people who are tailor made to your target audience to find out what’s most important to your business. For example, if you are a B2B software company, knowing if your customer support is more important than competitive pricing is valuable information.

Find this information and build one or more valuable people and make sure they are at the core of digital marketing strategy.

 Identify the goals and tools needed for digital marketing

Your marketing goals should always be relevant to your business goals. For example, if your business goal is to increase your online earnings by 20%, your goal as a marketer may be, for example, 50% more content production through the website than you would achieve in the following year.

Whatever your main goal, you need to know how to measure it, and more importantly, it’s the ability to measure it (there’s a good digital marketing tool to do that). How to measure the effectiveness of your digital strategy is different for each business and depends on your goal, but it is vital to make sure you can do this because it’s the yardstick that will help you set up a future strategy. will do.

 Evaluate digital channels and your resources and assets

Considering existing digital marketing channels as well as your resources and assets, you will have a more comprehensive picture strategy to avoid failing.

Owned media earned media and paid media help you to categorize your advertising channels more closely to your liking.

Owned media

This media refers to items that belong to your brand or company. Website, social networking, email, blog, and everything your business has full control over. This item includes some off-site or off-site content that you own, but not hosted on your website, such as a blog post that you post on Blog or Country Blog and publish in that content.

Acquired media

These media simply refer to the same word-of-mouth marketing, PR (PR) and any advertising you did not spend on. The content posted on someone on your website, PR activities, or the work you have done for the customer experience (CX), and all of this in the purchasing media for the recognition of your activities to achieve your goals.

You can get acquisitions, for example, through references in the press (analytical columns, newsletters, etc.), positive reviews, or people who share your content. Occasionally, you will receive a lot of media outlets by simply typing in a newspaper or a reportage (which is a monetary media).

Paid media

The money-making media, as their name suggests, will be usable in return for payment. Like Google AdWords Ads, E-Networks, Ezine …, posts and advertisements that are displayed on social networks, banner ads, banner advertising, which will be paid by you and you can buy social media traffic and get sells and profit  through social media network

It’s easy to categorize clearly on one page with personal, activated and paid media, and I recommend doing this in an Excel file.

You may use all three channels in your marketing strategy to help you achieve your goal. For example, you may use a landing page on your website to create certain benefits, and to use traffic on this landing page, advertise on social networks and profiles of others, as well as your social networks.

Exactly three sections work together to reach your goal. Usually, the use of all three is not only necessary to make your goals faster. If personal and acquiring personal media are successful, then there may not be a need for money. Everything is about evaluating the best solution to your goal, then add the channels that are better for your business to your digital marketing strategy.

Now you know what to use, so start thinking about what to keep and what to throw away!

 Review and planning for the owned media

At the heart of digital marketing is personal media or owned media. Any message that your business name spreads can be published as content, such as our About page, product page, blog entries, pdf books, infographics, or social network posts.

Content helps your visitors point their website to lead people who first get content about a product or service (online or offline) and may become a customer (or a customer) and improve it. Your brand will also help online, and when it is optimized for search engines, it will drive significant traffic to your website. Whatever your goal, you should use content related to your domain in different formats and in line with your marketing strategy.

To build your digital marketing strategy, you need to decide what content will help you reach your goals. If your goal is to sell 50% more website than last year, then there’s probably no page about us in your strategy unless it’s already been listed. Let me say something clearer; for example, if you have a business with 30 years of experience and trust in these types of businesses to buy a process, it is an advantage to use this issue on the product page because the customer before Be sure to visit our page for purchase. Otherwise, this page will not be in your strategy, and you just have to consider the key factors.

It’s likely that producing an e-book and placing it on your website will lead to more leads towards you, and thus more sales.

Here’s a brief process to help you achieve your goals through content:

Review content in line with goals

Make a list of your existing content and give one to three points to match your goals. For example, if your goal is to gain more goals, then rate them according to the conversion rate. Maybe our content is related to the blog, e-book, or even the landing page of your website, which has a good conversion rate.

You must check what works right now and what’s wrong and you do not get the result by this, you can set up a good content app for the future.

Diagnose problems to achieve optimal content

According to the buyer, identify the problems in your content and the existing mismatch with Persson. For example, if you are a math tutor and have found that in one of your best-known consultants, one of your greatest challenges is to find attractive ways to study, but you do not have any content to solve this problem, you should work better and get the right content.

By reviewing your content, you might conclude that using ebooks on a landing page can make you a great conversion rate, even better than a webinar, and so on. For example, in the case of the same mathematics tutor, you may decide to add a book entitled “Fun Methods for Learning Mathematics.”

Have a content creation program

Regarding the problems you find about your content, write a content production program that contains the content you need to help you achieve your goals. This program should include:

  • Title
  • Format and structure
  • Target
  • Introduce channels or ads
  • Your reason for creating it(for example, if there is a shortage of time, it’s best to schedule it or you may not have the right people)
  • Priority level(helps you decide on the content that benefits you the most)

If you want to outsource content creation or assign yourself time, it can be simple on a single page to include financial budget information.

 Investigation and planning of earned media campaigns

Assessing your previously acquired media against your current goals can help you focus your time. Check out where traffic comes from and where to rank from the most effective to the smallest. You can use tools like Google Analytics to do this.

You might find a article that is responsive to many searches and has led to significant traffic to your website or an article with limited searches but most of the results are client-oriented. Or you may find that LinkedIn is a place where many people share your content and create a decent number of visitors, so LinkedIn is worth a lot more time.

The point here is that you should try to create a comprehensive picture of the media that will help you achieve your goals (the English term is “big picture”) and leave the old ones focused on options that are worth the time. However, if there is something new you want to try, do not leave it just because you have not tried it anymore.

Checking and planning for the Paid Media campaign.

This process involves a lot of similar things: You must evaluate your money media on any platform (eg Google AdWords’, Instagram, Telegram, etc.) so that you can reach your goals.

If you’ve spent a lot of money and buy website traffic cheap on platforms like Google Networks, Google AdWords’, Google AdWords’, etc. and you have not seen the results you expect, then it may be time to refine or completely abandon your approach and concentrate on it. Put a platform or media that looks better. At the end of this process, you must decide which monetary media platform you want to use and which one you want to remove from your marketing strategy.

Strategic summing

Now you have done the planning and research and have a comprehensive view of the elements you want to write with your digital marketing strategy. You have gotten these things up to now:

  • Transparent client
  • One or more specific marketing objectives
  • A list of available personal, acquiring and paid media
  • Examine personal, purchased and paid media
  • A content production program

Now is the time to combine all of these to create an integrated strategy document. Let’s take a look at the meaning of digital strategy: a set of long-term measures that will help you reach your goals or goals with long-term online marketing.

Given this definition, your strategic document must be a map of the set of actions that will guide you to your goals based on your research. A spreadsheet (a kind of computer software designed to simplify data entry and computing  , like Excel) will be an efficient format and, because of its compatibility and compatibility, you can easily get customized, activated, and money-based roles in a specific framework.

You also need to have a longer strategic planning, say, about 12 months (depending on how your business is at a stage of growth). In this way, you can overlap each section when you do each of these tasks. for example:

  • In April, you may create a blog that is continually updated weekly once a year.
  • In May, you may publish a new e-book on the money market.
  • October may be ready for the greatest month of your business (what do you hope to see at this point in order to influence the production and processing of the content?).
  • Azar may focus on the media you acquired through Public Relations (PR) to attract more traffic.

Using this approach, you’ll create a structured timeline for your activity that helps in communicating with your colleagues and may even help you stay calm.

Success in Digital Marketing Strategy

Your strategy document is unique to your business, which is why it’s almost impossible to create a specific format for a digital marketing strategy for all businesses! Remember, the purpose of the strategy document is to draw a map of the actions you want to achieve your goals over a period of time, and then implement it in accordance with the principles of creating a digital strategy.

I think you’ve found a good look at the strategy now Remember this is just a small part of the strategic knowledge. Never stop reading. Always move forward.

The foundation and structure of this article was from HubSpot, which many websites had incomplete and poorly translated. Also, many of the sections, to my mind, included some defects that I corrected and added to the articles that were not mentioned in the original article.; So this article is a hybrid article. I’m happy to share your experiences with me in the comments section. And send this to people who need to design a strategy. If you encounter a problem, you can put it in the comments section where your perceptions of life allow me to serve you.


Consulting: Internet Marketing Checklist in 2019

Digital marketing is always in progress, and in order to gain more market share, you need to use techniques and tools in the form of an integral program, and in this article I’ve provided you an internet marketing checklist that is fully consistent with the new changes in 2019. Is.

Creating value for the customer

Try to look at your business from the customer’s perspective and see what’s worth for the customer, what does it want you to do? For this, you probably must design your own customer personality, who is your customer? What are the values? What needs and how you can create a good feeling in your potential customer, so in 2019, your first step as a web browser is to create value for your future customer.

SEO or the same SEO

While site optimization requires a lot of time for search engines, but it is an important part of internet marketing strategy, you need to first look at what your potential customer is asking and starting to find these questions to generate your own content, Instead of creating a series of content to showcase your products, services, or abilities, go to customer questions.

You also need to find the keywords that have the most search but a bit of competition. To do this, you can use the Keyword Magic Tool, then find the keywords that are less competitive and use them in content to help them in less time. Get minimal targeted web traffic.

Social Networks

Use common social networks to create a network of customers, and you can even design special marketing campaigns for your virtual network pages, but keep in mind that your fans in the virtual community will be converted to members of the site, because Virtual communities are a temporary wave that you should mount on this wave at the right time.

E-mail marketing

One of the most valuable tools for having a great strategy in successful Internet marketing is the use of targeted email marketing, using this tool with the least effort you can get the best results, and also for the great use of this tool should be in exchange for any user reaction Design an automated email plan to surprise you with results. For example, if a customer purchases a product, have you prepared an e-mail after the purchase of the customer to be thrilled and make the next purchase within a week after you?

Use CRM or Customer Relationship Management

CRM software will help you know what a customer has bought from you, what you might be interested in and ultimately by collecting information from customers you can give them excellent offers that increase your sales price. You do not need to use such software as a startup business, you can do this by creating an Excel file. Also, if you have enough mastery in marketing emails, you can simulate a system hacker.

Use video

You can use video in all your internet marketing departments, and the video will become overwhelming in 2019, to convince a customer of a video that has a thousand-fold effect on images and text.

Use video whenever you want to send an important message, on product pages, landing pages, and so on, you can easily transfer the core emotions to the customer and even transmit the feelings of the business.

Marketing Influencer

Virtual communities have created a space where different people in different domains have become influential people who are referred to as “Influenzas” in their terms, followers of these influential people can also become your customers, just enough People want to wear, use, or even review your services, and eventually introduce you to witness quick success in your business.

Use Artificial Intelligence

The use of artificial intelligence in Internet marketing is not yet fully understood, but big business as a leader has always tried to use it, such as recognizing a user’s interests by analyzing and reviewing his behavior on the website, I suggest you prepare your business for integration with artificial intelligence, try to collect the information of visitors and customers in the future to use the AI ​​features that you see in your business, in 2019, you will see applications. Artificial Intelligence will be an Internet business.

The e-commerce domain, depending on the type of activity or product to be offered, will have different groups on their own, which we will discuss separately:

– B2C:

In businesses such as online retail stores, there is a B2C business in which the business will interact with consumers.


Businesses in which some businesses offer smaller firms such as legal advice, accounting, goods, etc. Provide.


In this type of business, the consumer has an added value to the firm, which is often seen on the site’s capital attraction sites.


An online store that delivers consumer-provided products and other consumer purchases follow this model.


Some businesses, like taxpayers who provide government-provided services and businesses, actually use this model.


If the government receives services from enterprises, this equation can be seen.


If the government deals directly with providing services to consumers, we will actually see such a model. Activities such as selling traffic plans are in this category.

Advantages of using e-commerce

E-commerce is one of the most important advances in the age of communication and technology. But why is this area so widely welcomed by different groups and communities? The answer to this question is simple: the numerous benefits this technology has in the daily lives of individuals, businesses, businesses and communities.

E-commerce benefits for businesses:

  • Possibility of developing business in domestic and foreign markets with minimal investment
  •  Brand recognition is maximized
  •  Reduce operational costs
  •  Deliver better and faster service to consumers

Benefits of e-commerce for consumers:

Receive product information without delay

  • Benefit from special offers due to the competitive market

The benefits of e-commerce for communities:

  • Reduce traffic and air pollution
  • Reducing prices and benefiting all types of services and products
  • Providing services and products to rural and rural areas
  • Deliver better and faster services to citizens


Disadvantages of e-commerce than traditional ones

Like any technology and another achievement, there are critiques that some of them can be considered. Some people consider purchasing and receiving services a physical process, and they believe that the sensation that touches pre-purchase and experience products is far beyond online shopping. Others have criticized interactions between individuals and conceive e-commerce as a barrier to social relationships and building constructive relationships in the community. Ultimately, security and privacy in this space have been ambiguous in some cases and have caused a lot of problems.

We live in a digital age. The immense growth of the population, environmental problems, limited time, and many others have led us to either progressively digitize or sync with it. E-commerce is one of the achievements of this age that brings many benefits to different groups of society. It should be considered that this category should be considered as an opportunity for improvement, lifestyle, and facilities. But as with any other space, there are also threats that can be minimized with adequate awareness and proportional behaviors and benefit from this opportunity.
In this regard, we have had successful experiences with the e-commerce platforms in the USA. You can fill out the form below to get advice. Wouldn’t you rather just float around in a pool this summer rather than scrambling to figure out how your target demographic is going to find your website?  Want a quick, easy and safe way to increase your visibility while not lifting a finger?  Buy website traffic and we will send traffic your way.  There are many different types of traffic, from our standard website to targeted by US State targeted traffic and category to our premium keyword-driven organic traffic.  Something for everyone!


Last word

In 2019, or every other year ahead of us, we see the advent of Internet marketing tools, and sometimes even new gadgets, try to identify your market audience and choose the right gadgets according to the needs of these people, of course, some Tools are like a wave that may already be functional, but they will undergo many changes in the coming years, such as virtual communities, so you can manage your time and capital smartly.


Five Simple Ways to Increase Your Customer Base in 2019

Site traffic is a breathing stream of online organizations. Beginning an online issue is beginning to misrepresentation traffic to the webpage. Obviously, the transformation rate is additionally significant. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you make a lot of not find a propensity to pull in the consideration of the group of spectators to your site pages, the mount happening in change rates moving toward the site is the last business you will think around. We as a whole realize that it tends to be expanded by paying for traffic. Be that as it may, obviously, support washing strategies are not the courageous approaches to develop focused on web traffic. The truth of the matter is that normal traffic has ten to thirteen time well in front of traffic costs than a traffic savage conduct. Clearly beforehand clients search the site and items or offices for their characteristic inquiry in Google. There is a great deal of motivating force to get your hands on. Why? Since everybody knows at this point Google affirms you. The item you come happening along between the cash for is ghastly. Notwithstanding whether your center is a propose getting ordinary traffic or accepting traffic by paying, the guiltless is that realizing how to make productive traffic is simply getting a large portion of the fight. In the accompanying entryway segment, your battle will create an impact notes to the upkeep of this traffic.

Increase Website Traffic

Before you accomplish anything, your way to make innocent that the results of your events are properly tracked and analyzed. You cannot raise your site traffic without knowing where to begin following to exaggeration your website traffic. Buy Cheap website traffic to track all the publicity processes ended something in imitation of the order of the site, these three tools should be installed.

AMP Analytics

AMP represents Accelerated Mobile Pages Project. AMP is a site plan stage for cell phones that abbreviates page extraordinary amount by expanding the quickness of stacking pages for portable, and back the stage changes the code pages, it can’t be examined when than the occurring to regarded apparatuses for dissecting the site and requires a device Exclusively for investigation. After you make certain every one of these instruments are introduced accurately, your greeting pages and sessions (Session) are the quantities of time clients login to a page, increase from the start time frame clients stay concerning the site and the measures that are performed on the site. Following). By following these things, you can make sure that the quantity of respondents visited the site in veritable terms, and which pages were visited once reference to those perspectives. The Google comfort enables you to find the catchphrases that every one of these perspectives is reliant re. Additionally, the quantity of periods your site is shown once that watchword and also reports the quantity of time clients clicked moving toward the catchphrase look for your site’s part.

Ways totally site traffic

  1. Optimization for web crawlers


Website design enhancement is a standout amongst the most significant approaches to layer traffic to your webpage. In any case, one ought not overlook that SEO is certainly not a speedy demand to p.s. Traffic. Along these lines, it’s absolutely legitimate to focus on promoting inside a clear time develop go to irregularity traffic to the site regardless of whether accomplishment out a benefits SEO. By utilizing these two strategies at the same time, you can pull in noteworthy rush hour gridlock to your site. The narrowing to be reminded around SEO is that the SEO will benefits on ten to thirteen get more established more kid support than the site’s transformation rates. In colleague, SEO is each erratic excuse. In the event that you were difficult, you can do all your SEO tries at no expense. Because of the practicality of SEO and the earnest peculiarity to have the execution to uphold the guideline of a site, you can acknowledge your site to capable SEO specialists.


2-Guest blogging


Visitor blogging is one of the approaches to layer the traffic of a site. On the off chance that you are a visitor blogger in the district of a webpage. You will have solid traffic through that site. On the off chance that you are fulfilled when sites and online journals in your industry and issue to enter the visitor blog, the way toward expanding website traffic will be more noteworthy than previously. Obviously, the fulfillment of an expert blog to enter a visitor blog isn’t so natural. Obviously, consequent to you find a blog joined to the substance of your webpage for visitor blogging, the traffic regular from it will merit every one of the hardships you have drawn.


  1. Instagram traffic


Publicizing in the area of Instagram is one of the gigantic approaches to develop traffic to the site. Yet, spare at the top of the priority list that the solitary idiosyncrasy to publicize going when notice too for Instagram is by utilizing # hashtag. In this way, considering sending photographs to Instagram, make sure to utilize hashtags to promote. You can in addition utilize the hashtag encompassed by reaching new clients on Instagram. Spend age to compose a remark or articulation upon your impact related photographs that have high criticism. The narrowing to be viewed as thinking about publicizing upon Instagram is that you ought not limb happen a limited time explanation upon the whole your photographs and posts. The proportion of three to one is a fine proportion for embeddings promotions upon Instagram. That is, to make solitary one special addition for the entire three valuable postings upon Instagram.


4-Using the message


As of now, the Telegraph is a standout amongst the most agilely loved talk programming upon portable in the USA, and numerous organizations use it to continue the site and joined traffic to the site or even sell their item. The relief to note is that brands never present their items straightforwardly in such programming. Along these lines, your reliance to pick together between remaining through your site attention or converse with selling the products in this product.


  1. Facebook and Google Plus and utilize their limited time highlights


Facebook demands that Facebook clients know every helper, and its exacting security procedures gather the prominence of this interpersonal organization in the USA, a pivot that can be acquainted with Facebook in the USA. Obviously, it ought to be noticed that any issue picks the hold onto informal organization as indicated by its potential crowd estimate. Thus, if your item and priest to crowds are swifter upon Facebook, you can promote your site considering the besides occurring of the Page Creation Tool and the Ads upon these pages and gatherings. Obviously, in this indictment, the generation of cutting substance for clients along following publicizing substance ought not be overlooked. In the dogfight of Google Plus, you can with helpful instruments, for example, Communities, (for example, the Facebook gathering) and Collection (behind the Facebook page) to publicize. Keep in mind, none of these informal organizations can spam. Thus, it’s ideal to find clients enthusiastic in your item and offices and permit them their very own advertisements. This will develop the probability of expanding traffic to the site.


6-Publishing an article in LinkedIn


The LinkedIn informal organization can be utilized to draw in the group of spectators to a particular subject. LinkedIn is a legitimate and expertly resourced informal organization. On the off chance that you produce the correct substance for the potential group of spectators in LinkedIn, the increase on in your site traffic will attest. Utilize the watchwords long and important to what your image potential purchaser will see to produce articles.


7-a Paid advertisement


One of the undeniable approaches to guarantee traffic to the site is to achieve traffic and use upkeep promoting. You can without much of a stretch pay a ton of traffic to your site. In any case, on the off chance that you ‘a propose paying for YouTube promotions for Google advertisements, Google promotions , you should verify that there are ways intended to make a get adhering to of clients upon the site ( Google Analytics has an instrument called Conversion Funnels that gives you a chance to follow the ways that clients are in. Investigate and dissect the site to make an along just as or to accomplish the site’s objectives) are inexhaustibly adjustable and these promotions will bring you high offer rates. Something else, the tremendous expense of these promotions has been limited. The defense we asked you to install analytics tools upon your site in the previously be lighthearted any traffic to accrual your targeted web traffic was because of this. It should be ensured that the landing pages (users’ pages move to them from advertising buddies) and the paths that gain to shopping upon the site are vibrant properly. In this habit, we can ensure that traffic attracted to the site will guide to a descent in the number of loyal customers and customers. Without this step, the maintenance and keep spent upon increasing the traffic of the site are wasted.


  1. Publish the article upon Medium

Size Medium is a famous and reputable site that users can easily entry it. Due to the popularity of this social network, it is reachable to ensure traffic to the site by inserting a commercial into it and introducing its issue to potential audiences upon this social network. Create vital articles upon this site. Try to attract potential audiences to your website by producing theoretical articles.

  1. Slide production for SlideShare site

SlideShare is a substitute site that you can use to accretion your site traffic. Using this site is totally pleasing. In the insert, if you create astonishing slides. Your slides can be tote happening. What straightforward of slides should you fabricate? PowerPoint software slides are used upon this site. Create shareable content. Make certain your audience likes this content and, of course, realize not forget to the attachment to your site.

  1. Email Marketing

Email guidance is still one of the most flesh and blood announcement tools in the digital world. Targeted Email Marketing publicity can be used directly to earn online revenue or concentrate on users to the pages you are looking for. Different sites have oscillated ways to profit email lists from trained people, using email list broker methods to demand email addresses in the buying process from the site. Keep in mind that in militant publicity, marketing will and no-one else appear in if an audience is eager in your goods and facilities, and advertisements for users who are not the potential consumers of your product will deeply be blinking your marketing.


10- Requiring YouTube videos

YouTube is a powerful video sharing site. We every single one knows that the audience of this site is everyone large. Of course, precise the audience’s size, your tube’s site (as the world’s second-most-searched search engine after Google), it’s attainable to generate site-specific content linked to its brand assistance. American video sharing sites along together with the theater have provided the same facilities for inserting intellectual videos or inserting ads into high call a halt to videos. According to Alexa’s site statistics, the number of visitors to the YouTube site in the USA state targeted traffic is ranked second after Google. Consequently, it is insightful that, last the authorizations forced upon the USA and the inconceivability of putting commercials upon YouTube, then again of utilizing the site.

  1. Using the Tripwires technique

Tripwires were first presented by Perry Belcher, one of the originators of the Digital Marketer site. In this idiosyncrasy, the proposal was to put the thing in the exhibit at a totally low cost of $ 7 to $ 37. This can be all along to $ 1. At that point, by pulling in the group of spectators to the site, he moreover presents and offers all the more expensive products and endeavor to late development the fan get of the site well ordered. Utilizing this technique to draw in clients to the site is a lot simpler than presenting our most exorbitant merchandise first to clients.

Webinar Production

Online course stage the online course is each stipend of the ground-breaking stage and the stage’s blessing isn’t without anyone else’s input capable in producing traffic to the site. Be that as it may, it is in addition to canny of creating high salary. No circumstance what decent of product you sell. You can make a great many purchasers for whatever length of time that you can pursue the exact recipe for making an online class. Has it entered your thoughts to acquire site traffic? Assuming properly, see no discretionary extra! We are the pioneer in site traffic offering our clients an expansive scope of items and administrations, each erratic intended to trust planned clients to your site or blog. Such many choices … Look at us to find out additional! We said that buy Alexa traffic is very important and is a key factor in the success of a site, but keep in mind that website traffic quality is more important than traffic. Web traffic is divided into two categories of targeted and unwanted traffic. Contact us to be approving out how to benefit Alexa traffic and manufacture a strategy to acquire you in description to the subject of the order of your way – FAST! Which is a sign of seriousness to visitors? Do not waste period, put happening gone a step to be highly thought of as regards the web, and adjoin your Alexa ranking.

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